Photo by Goblin Party co-founder, Divya Gadangi


Jennifer Jaber Hoffman-Williamson is an arts administrator and artist working in Brooklyn, New York.  Her bread and butter is supporting diverse artists in their studio practices and projects, a role she’s performed with established and emerging artists since 2011. Her personal practice is a messy study of identity and nostalgia using pattern and printed materials.

Artist Statement

Jennifer Jaber is a work-in-progress-slightly-powered-woman. She spends her days struggling to feel self-fulfilled, viewing her bank account, using the phrase “bread and butter,” and chatting human resources. In a previous - not so long ago- life, much of her time was spent on artwork exploring ideas of nostalgia and relentless memories. While using visual elements outside of her comfort zone, she hopes to combine contextually intense visuals with millennial guilt and observations. Her practice is intimate and messy, utilizing found images, painted layers, and handmade papers.

Bread + Butter

Kalyban Studio
Hank Willis Thomas Studio
For Freedoms Artist Collective
The Studio of Oliver Jeffers
Kasmin Gallery
Campbell Associates LLC

Rhode Island School of Design
The Cambridge Tradition


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